Physical Interaction in Game Technology - Haiqal MA

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Physical Interaction in Game Technology

Anggota Kelompok :

  1. Haiqal Muhamad Alfarisi
  2. Ilham A
  3. Priliani F
  4. Tiara W
  5. Yuliana
1.1 Definition of Interaction and Physical Interaction.

Interaction is a type of action that occurs when two or more objects influence or have an effect on each other. The idea of a two-way effect is important in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way relationship on cause and effect.

Physical Interaction is a form of interaction that occurs when two or more people make contact using body language. In a gaming environment, physical interaction is one form of interaction that occurs when two or more objects make contact. Contacts that occur between these objects are generally collisions.

1.2 Definition of Collision Detection.

Every game program we will make is very need an algoritm named Collision Detection. Collision Detection is a checking process whether some special objects hit each other or make a contact. If there are two or more objects hit each other, so the objects are applying the collision detection algorithm. This method is also used by game makers in making games between objects and other objects with a frame or constraint.

Flowchart of Collision Detection

1.3 Implementation of Collision Detection

All games that exist today must use the concept of Collision Detection. This concept will definetely make the game more realistic and has a clear purpose. An example of the application of the Collision Detection algorithm is in the Snake game. In the game, the head of the snake that we command through the keyboard will experience a collision with the object in the form of food or arena border in the game.

Implementation Collision Detection in Snake Game
1.4 Positive Things from the Physical Effect of the Game.

1. Each game has a different level or difficulty. Generally this game is equipped with weapons, ammunition, characters and different game maps which to complete the level or defeat the enemy efficiently needed strategy.

2. Increase Concentration. The concentration ability of online game players will increase as they have to complete some tasks, the more difficult a game the more the required high concentration level.\

3. Improve your English skills. Gamers who often play online games with any genre with the passage of time can have better English skills.

4. Establish working team. Strong teamwork is built on video games. Online games, for example, require players who communicate effectively with their teams.

1.5 Negative Things from the Physical Effect of the Game.

1. Preoccupation.

A video game addiction can be harmful if your child is unable or unwilling to participate in any interests of extracurricular activities other than gaming. The On-Line Gamers Anonymous website notes that it may be sign of an addiction if your child is constantly thinking about his next video game session, devising ways to get back to the game, abandoning former hobbies that don’t relate to video games or declining social events with personal interaction because he's spending time discussing video games on the Internet.

2. Health Problems.

If your child spends all of his free time playing video games and skips meals or loses sleep because of excessive game play, a video game addiction can negatively impact his health. Children who spend more than two hours a day in front of a television or video games in lieu of participating in physical activity may suffer from childhood obesity

3. Suffering Relationship.

Relationships with friends and family members may suffer if your child is spending more time gaming than he is talking to or going out with loved ones. The On-Line Gamers Anonymous website notes that gaming may be negatively affecting your child's life if he only wants to talk about video games, lies to cover up the amount of time he spends playing, and argues with you over his excessive gaming.

4. Increased Aggression.

Video games that feature violent actions and scenarios may lead addicted players to be desensitized to the violence. Richard Gallagher, director of the NYU Child Study Center’s Parenting Institute, states that players who become engrossed in first-person shooter-style video games, for example, may adopt a detached view of society or develop aggressive thoughts and tendencies.

5. Poor Performance

Long hours playing video games can negatively affect your child's performance in school if he's preoccupied with video games. He can fail to work at his optimum level because he's exhausted from a late night of video game playing. If your child devotes more than one or two hours a day to television or video games, he may have trouble falling asleep, have problems paying attention and have lower test scores than other children who don’t spend as much time in front of a television or video game console.

Source :
1., diakses pada tanggal 1 April 2018 jam 19.36
2. pada tanggal 1 April 2018 jam 19.36

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